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Library Trustee Minutes 05/12/08
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
May 12, 2008

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Connie Kirwin (Secretary), Alexander (Sandy) Snow, Margaret Warner (Co-Chair), Kathy Chisholm (Library Director), and guest Lyman Gilmore (Historical Society Liaison).

Pre-meeting: Lyman Gilmore, liaison with the Historical Society, gave us an update.
·       Digitizing of the Antrim Reporter has been completed and is installed on two external hard drives and indexing is in progress. He has met with Allan Treadwell who will place a copy onto the Library server for access by the public.
·       Upon completion of the renovation of the second floor the Historical Room will be cleaned out so that the Society will be able to organize their artifacts. They would like to have another storage cabinet built.
·       They were reminded that they cannot use the lights in the display cases as the wiring is unsafe.
·       There was discussion on the date for the Centennial/ Dedication and it was decided that it will be held Saturday August 16. Further details will be discussed later in the meeting.
Minutes of the 4/14/2008 meeting were accepted.
Treasurers Report:
·       Nancy updated the board on progress with the cash register. The funds were reconciled to the penny.
·       Retroactive 3% COLA increases were formally approved by the board. Nancy noted that the amount was already posted in the salary budget. So voted.
·       It had been decided that the .5% balance of the salary budget will be available for use as merit increases. So voted.  
·       We have $19,000 remaining in the building fund. Nancy will ask the Town to release earned interest of $4,000 from the capital reserve fund to the building fund account.
·       Trustees were asked to stop in at Ocean Bank and sign signature cards for the checking account.
·       Report accepted.   
Directors Report:
·       Kathy e-mailed her report to the Trustees prior to the meeting.
·       Discussion on new staffing schedule. Penny Welch applied for substitute position. She is a former Trustee and former employee.
·       The board authorized Kathy to use the credit card to pay Steeles for the repairs to the typewriter that was damaged in the first flood last fall in November. The itemized bill needs to be part of the insurance claim.
·       The electrified table is a discontinued item however there may be a solution with a redesign per the electrician. Kathy will look into it and report back.

Old Business:
·       Centennial/Dedication plans were discussed. Connie is compiling a list of former Trustees, members of the previous building committee, members of the long range planning committee, and all donors to the building fund so that a formal invitation can be sent. Kathy mentioned that many of the people who actually worked on the building, including the guard of the prisoners who painted, should be invited.
·       Discussion on potential members of the core committee: Margie, Sandy, Kathy, Ron Haggett, Missy Taylor, Pam Bagloe, and Kara Penny. A meeting will be scheduled for May 19.
·       Kathy will have a sign-up sheet at the Library to solicit ideas and volunteers to help.
·       Nancy and Connie will investigate companies that make plaques for the named donations.
·       Connie will create a banner with the celebration date to be placed on the Library website.
·       Sandy will write an article for the Limrik about the celebration.
·       It was decided to postpone the review of the Library Personnel Policy for the June meeting.
·       It was decided to postpone discussion on the evaluation form.
New Business:
·       Discussion on the flood that occurred March 10. It has been determined that it was caused by a malfunctioning humidifier and was a plumbing problem. A construction insurance claim will be processed. Kathy is collecting estimates. Allan Treadwell has sent an estimate and it was voted to replace the destroyed computer equipment. Kathy will talk to John Kendall to ask about the procedure for the insurance claim. It was noted that the copier was also damaged. Kathy will check with Bill Prokop since the copier was part of a lease agreement.
·       It was decided that a second meeting will be needed in June for an executive session to do the Director’s annual review.  
·       It was noted that a meeting with Allan Treadwell on the computer systems needs to be scheduled, tentatively for June.
Next meeting: June 9, 2008 at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Kirwin, Secretary